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Exchange Rate Home >> Data Topics & Statistical Answers >> Stock of Direct Foreign Investment Abroad >> Malaysia

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What is the total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad for Malaysia?

The information collected for the Stock of Direct Foreign Investment Abroad of Malaysia has been obtained from the Central Intelligence Agency. In some instances, these figures are estimates.

Answer: The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Malaysia is $70,700,000,000. It's ranking among other countries is 27. (NA)

This entry gives the cumulative US dollar value of all investments in foreign countries made directly by residents - primarily companies - of the home country, as of the end of the time period indicated. Direct investment excludes investment through purchase of shares.

Stock of Direct Foreign Investment Abroad By CountryStock of direct foreign investment - abroad UpdatedRank
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The United States is$3,259,000,000,000NA#1
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of France is$1,759,000,000,000NA#2
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The United Kingdom is$1,634,000,000,000NA#3
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Germany is$1,403,000,000,000NA#4
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The Netherlands is$866,100,000,000NA#5
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Hong Kong is$808,000,000,000NA#6
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Switzerland is$731,600,000,000NA#7
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Japan is$726,500,000,000NA#8
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Belgium is$707,500,000,000NA#9
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Spain is$633,300,000,000NA#10
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Italy is$610,500,000,000NA#11
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Canada is$552,100,000,000NA#12
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Sweden is$338,900,000,000NA#13
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of China is$227,300,000,000NA#14
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Australia is$209,400,000,000NA#15
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Denmark is$204,500,000,000NA#16
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Russia is$196,700,000,000NA#17
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Norway is$179,500,000,000NA#18
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Singapore is$177,900,000,000NA#19
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Austria is$171,500,000,000NA#20
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Hungary is$160,200,000,000NA#21
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Ireland is$157,100,000,000NA#22
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Taiwan is$145,300,000,000NA#23
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Brazil is$124,300,000,000NA#24
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Finland is$116,300,000,000NA#25
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of India is$77,420,000,000NA#26
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of South Africa is$65,070,000,000NA#28
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Israel is$55,650,000,000NA#29
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Mexico is$46,390,000,000NA#30
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Kuwait is$33,110,000,000NA#31
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Chile is$32,070,000,000NA#32
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The United Arab Emirates is$30,950,000,000NA#33
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Argentina is$29,550,000,000NA#34
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Greece is$29,550,000,000NA#35
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Poland is$23,310,000,000NA#36
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Venezuela is$20,700,000,000NA#37
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Saudi Arabia is$20,570,000,000NA#38
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Colombia is$15,680,000,000NA#39
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Turkey is$14,300,000,000NA#40
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Nigeria is$13,070,000,000NA#41
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Tajikistan is$12,710,000,000NA#42
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Egypt is$12,230,000,000NA#43
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The Czech Republic is$11,110,000,000NA#44
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Thailand is$10,520,000,000NA#45
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Indonesia is$10,510,000,000NA#46
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Bahrain is$10,040,000,000NA#47
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Qatar is$9,468,000,000NA#48
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Slovenia is$8,200,000,000NA#49
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Cyprus is$7,908,000,000NA#50
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Vietnam is$7,700,000,000NA#51
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Estonia is$7,086,000,000NA#52
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Libya is$6,963,000,000NA#53
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of The Philippines is$5,990,000,000NA#54
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Azerbaijan is$5,382,000,000NA#55
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Cuba is$4,138,000,000NA#56
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Croatia is$3,949,000,000NA#57
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Trinidad and Tobago is$3,829,000,000NA#58
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Kazakhstan is$3,617,000,000NA#59
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Angola is$2,857,000,000NA#60
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Slovakia is$2,267,000,000NA#61
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Ukraine is$2,155,000,000NA#62
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Lithuania is$1,927,000,000NA#63
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Bulgaria is$1,392,000,000NA#64
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Algeria is$1,362,000,000NA#65
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Latvia is$1,103,000,000NA#66
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Pakistan is$1,078,000,000NA#67
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Romania is$1,001,000,000NA#68
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Macau is$980,000,000NA#69
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Iran is$793,000,000NA#70
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Morocco is$641,000,000NA#71
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of El Salvador is$565,000,000NA#72
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Costa Rica is$540,000,000NA#73
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Tunisia is$177,000,000NA#74
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Uruguay is$156,000,000NA#75
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Bangladesh is$98,000,000NA#76
The total dollar amount of stock of direct foreign investment abroad of Kenya is$42,000,000NA#77

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